Tuesday 22 February 2011

Poppy cardigan

It's the school holidays so I need quick, easy knits that can be worked on whilst sitting with the children. I am lucky that the kiddies don't often need me to be active in their play but they like me to be in the room. Works out fine for me as I get lots of craft time.

Baby Annabell has made it up from her usual home - the cellar - for a little playtime. She was wearing just a cream sleep suit which was getting a little grubby. So I made her this little cardigan. It's a Poppy cardigan designed by Georgie Hallam. It's seamless on the body but I did take the seamed sleeve option.

I have made a few other seamless knits recently. I do enjoy them but I am a little bewildered by their structure. Making such a small item has given me more of an insight into this way of knitting and maybe even the confidence to work out a similar pattern of my own.

Monday 21 February 2011


A cake made for my friend's daughter's birthday.

Saturday 12 February 2011

New mittens

I picked a teary Harriet up from school yesterday. She had lost one of her mittens. They were ones I made over a year ago so they had served the girl well. I immediately offered to make her some more (it's a win win as it fulfills both my duties as a mother and knitter). We had pre-arranged an after school trip to the craft shop which was very convenient as I could also pick up fresh supplies of yarn. Yes, I should be knitting them from my stash but Harriet requested rainbow mittens and I really couldn't face sewing in all those ends.

I went for Sirdar Click Aran in Verve. I used 4mm needles and 3.75mm for the cuffs. I am very pleased with how they turned out and Harriet was very pleased to find them waiting in her bedroom when she woke up this morning.

Friday 11 February 2011


I banned myself from buying any more yarn this year. Six weeks into 2011 and I have failed already.

£5 for 10 balls though. What was I supposed to do?????

Already I am making plans to knit it up into something. Maybe a cardigan for Harriet. Current front runners are...




Tuesday 8 February 2011

Return of the hook

I tried crochet a few years ago. Unfortunately I gave it up after suffering a little RSI. I think it was the way I was holding the yarn. After a few false starts I am giving it another go.

Here is my first attempt at a granny square. It has already been unravelled but I thought I would keep photographic evidence.....

Meanwhile, also in crochet corner, I have started blocking the squares I made before the RSI hit.