Tuesday 19 May 2015

Boy Bunny

And here's boy bunny.  For Toby.  Who is always keen for me to make things for him. I am usually just as keen to oblige.  Toby particularly likes bunny's cute tail.  So much so that he has named boy bunny "Soft Tail"

A hoot!

Very enjoyable owl production.  Six owls for the school fair craft stall.  All made with Stylecraft Special double knit from here.....


Help! Rabbit addiction pending

Having made a largish blanket for a friend's Birthday back in March I sort of went off knitting and crochet.  Just couldn't get motivated to make very much.

However, I have now discovered that the road back to craft motivation is lined with knitted bunnies. Well for me anyway.  Here's Polly bunny,  She's my third from Debi Birkin's Bunty Bunny pattern.  It's a really nice pattern to get me back into following instructions.  I had a little trouble with the feet but otherwise it came together with ease.

Today a yarny package of Drops saffran arrived.  I am just waiting on some teeny tiny needles and then I will be ready to attempt Little Cotton Rabbits bunny.